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World Citizen Garry Davis and the “99%” Movement

“The best way to forecast the futureis to invent it.”

— Steve Jobs
The late Steve Jobs lived, worked, designed and produced in the Here & Now. He did not march in crowds. To the contrary, he was alone when he invented the miraculous tools you and I use daily which amazingly unite us as one wherever and whoever we are throughout our one world. And by his inventions, he “created” the future in which we now live.

In short, he thought of himself as the “center” of the world which he � and hosts of sage humans in the past – accepted as one and without artificial divisions.

Realize that you also are not actually “in” the United States for it does not exist in reality. It is a political fiction created 224 years ago to cope with a largely pre-industrial agricultural world for 3 millions humans when the horse was the fastest means of transportation.

You and I here and now are members of a race living on the planet we call Earth. (Fellow members are circling it every hour-and-a-half at 17,000 mph.)

No human, therefore, in the 21st century, is “in” a nation-state. First technology, then electronics, then nuclear, and finally space have rendered nations obsolete. Their dysfunction was startlingly revealed as of 1914 when so-called world wars (between nations) erupted planet-wide.

Now, humanity itself faces nuclear annihilation through sheer ignorance of who we are as a species. In short, we cling anxiously to the very national deathtraps which can only promise omnicide.

Yet you, who have gathered in New York’s Wall Street and indeed around the world are ironically demanding “justice” and “democracy” which, in politics terms, are called sovereign human rights sanctioned by the UN’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights, from the same nations which endorsed it unanimously December 10, 1948.

Therefore, you already “outrank” the politicians from which you are demanding justice. Buckminster Fuller wrote that “”You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”

A world government of, by and for the citizens of the world was declared over 58 years ago mandated by over 750,000 citizens throughout the world and based on articles 21(3) and 28, UDHR.

Finally, the geo-dialectic codes of human society � identified historically as “the one and the many,” or morally, “do unto others as you would they do unto you” has now reached the global level where the “One and the many” � i.e. the individual citizen allied dynamically with humanity – are united in time and space representing a historic “shift” in consciousness and in human society itself.

The result is finally world peace, world freedom and world abundance as Buckminster Fuller, Martin Luther King, Jr. and Mahatma Gandhi, etc predicted in their earthly lives.

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