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Sovereignty & the Iraqi People

Sovereignty & the Iraqi People


The Iraqi people did not “lose” their sovereignty because of the US attack and occupation. Saddam Hussein, as dictator, had prevented their exercise of it long before the US invasion.. The United States government, therefore, did not “gain” sovereignty over the Iraqi people by invading

2004 New Year’s Message

2004 New Year’s Message


From World Citizen Garry Davis 2004 ? Humanity’s Legitimate Power By sheer reasoning and biological fact, the only “superpower” on planet earth is humanity. Each and every human, despite relative differences, is already bonded at birth to humanity’s existence, well-being and survival. Today, with the

New Year’s Message 2003

New Year’s Message 2003


New Years’s Message January 2003 by Garry Davis A half century ago, come September 4, a new government was declared on planet Earth, the World Government (of World Citizens). It was the fulfillment of an age-old prophecy for it was based on the sovereignty of




November 3, 1997 The Cassini Launch – A Crime Against Humanity? Has President Clinton committed a “crime against humanity” in authorizing the launch of the Cassini Space Probe? Does the US president’s constitutional powers vest him with the legal authority to threaten humanity with plutonium